Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Your Call?
Which two of Kevin’s images are the strongest? Yes, I know that this is a very difficult question. Please leave a comment and let us know why you made your choices. I will share my two favorites with you here tomorrow.
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the […]
Your Call?
Do you prefer Image #1 or Image #2? Why?
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here, to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. It will never cost you a single penny. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here to order from Bedfords and enter […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here to order from Bedfords and enter the discount code BIRDSASART at checkout to receive […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here to order from Bedfords and enter the discount code BIRDSASART at checkout to receive […]
Supporting My Efforts Here
If you enjoy and learn from the blog, please consider using one of my affiliate links when purchasing new gear. To support my effort here, please order from B&H by beginning your search here. Or, click here to order from Bedfords and enter the discount code BIRDSASART at checkout to receive […]
If you are interested in sharing an AirBnB with me near Huguenot Memorial Park east of Jacksonville, FL during the second week of July, or in doing an IPT that week, please stop what you are doing and shoot me an e-mail. Big discount for the person who shares the AirBnB with me. IPT […]
Your Call?
Which is the strongest of today’s five featured images? Which is the weakest of today’s five featured images? Why for each?
Used Gear Pipeline
I have a Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS II lens coming up for sale. If you might be interested in purchasing it, shoot me an e-mail.
On a […]
If you are interested in sharing an AirBnB with me near Huguenot Memorial Park east of Jacksonville, FL during the second week of July, or in doing an IPT that week, please stop what you are doing and shoot me an e-mail. Big discount for the person who shares the AirBnB with me. IPT […]
Birding Under the Influence/Cycling Across America in Search of Birds and Recovery
With several days of rain and high winds in the forecast, we left our AirBnb in Pierre, SD a day early and headed north to Kevin’s house in Washburn, ND, 45 minutes past and slightly west of Bismarck. We had tremendous […]
What’s Up?
On Saturday, I suggested that we erect two perches on the lek for the Greater Prairie Chickens (GPCs). With Kevin’s help, we put one low driftwood perch in place, and a larger vertical perch. That morning, the birds wanted nothing to do with our perches. Even worse, both perches got in our way […]
Live Life to the Fullest
Join an Instructional Photo-Tour.
What’s Up?
We were in the blinds early on Saturday and had lots of birds in front of us. At 6:45am, about 25 or 30 birds got spooked by something and flew off to other areas on the huge lek. We looked for the cause, a […]
What’s Up?
I continue having a great time with the chickens (as Kevin calls them) and learning a ton about the birds and about photographing them from a blind while working off the rear monitor. For those of you who were worried, we took Kevin out to Drifters, a popular Pierre restaurant right on the […]
What’s Up?
We enjoyed a third straight great morning with the prairie chickens. Sunny and not too cold with about 60 birds on the lek. After two straight days of being in a pretty good spot by pure luck, both Kevin and Anita enjoyed the lion’s share of the action today, Friday 12 April 2023. […]
What’s Up? Excitement on the Prairie
On Wednesday afternoon the wind picked up considerably so Kevin decided to take a ride to our shooting location to check on the blinds. He should have been back in about an hour. Two and a half hours later he walked into our AirBnB in his very wet underwear! […]
If you are interested in sharing an AirBnB with me near Huguenot Memorial Park east of Jacksonville, FL during the second week of July, or in doing an IPT that week, please stop what you are doing and shoot me an e-mail. Here’s wishing you great light and better photography.
Your Calls?
Which of […]