Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
January 1st, 2016

Have a Great 2016!

What’s Up?

I spent virtually all of my waking hours yesterday working with Alan Lillich and BugBob Allen on the final edits of the birds as art: The Avian Photography of Arthur Morris/The Top 100 exhibit-companion e-book. This morning I need to incorporate the changes suggested by folks who called and ordered an advance review copy yesterday and fine-tune the document cover art and cover text. I hope to be burning the master CD today right after lunch. Luckily, I was able to arrange for a UPS pickup at my home-office for Saturday morning.

There is not a whole lot of room left on the OCT/NOV 2016 Cheesemans’ South Georgia Expedition, their last ever. If you would like to make your 2016 special by joining the BIRDS AS ART group for this trip, please scroll down for complete information.


This image was created from the ship at about 3:45am as it was anchored off the spectacular King Penguin colony at Salisbury Plain, South Georgia on the 2015 Cheesemans’ Expedition. What can I say? I like getting up early. I used the hand held Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens and the rugged Canon EOS-1D X. ISO 400. Evaluative meterting +1/3 stop: 1/320 sec. at f/8 in Manual mode. AWB.

Center AF point/AI Servo Expand/Rear Focus AF on the top of the large mountain on the left and re-compose. Click here to see the latest version of the Rear Focus Tutorial. Click on the image to see a larger version.

Pre-dawn lenticular clouds

Have a Great 2016!

Older daughter Jennifer, right-hand man Jim Litzenberg, and I hope that all of you have a great 2016 filled with wonder (as above), good health, happiness, prosperity, success, and lots of great new images. Whether you will be traveling to many of the world’s top photo destinations or will be making images in your own backyard, remember that the big secret to becoming a better nature photographer is to pay attention to small details.

Important Note

Please understand that if you are up in the air about selling any old gear that the price of your item is dropping every day….

Selling Your Used Gear Through BIRDS AS ART

Selling your used (or like-new) photo gear through the BAA Blog or via a BAA Online Bulletin is a great idea. We charge only a 5% commission. One of the more popular used gear for sale sites charges a minimum of 20%. Plus assorted fees! Yikes. The minimum item price here is $500 (or less for a $25 fee). If you are interested please e-mail with the words Items for Sale Info Request cut and pasted into the Subject line :). Stuff that is priced fairly–I offer free pricing advice, usually sells in no time flat. In the past few months, we have sold just about everything in sight. Do know that prices on some items like the EOS-1D Mark IV, the old Canon 500mm, the EOS-7D, and the original 400mm IS DO lens have been dropping steadily. You can see all current listings by clicking here or by clicking on the Used Photo Gear tab on the yellow-orange tab on the right side of the menu bar above.

Things have been heating up on the Used Gear page lately.

  • Alice Garland sold her Canon 500mm f/4L IS Lens for $3999 in late December 2015.
  • Doug Rogers sold his Canon 100–400mm L IS zoom lens (the old 1-4) for $649 in late December 2015.
  • Troy Duong sold his Canon 500mm f/4L IS II lens for $7500.00 in late December 2015.
  • Walt Anderson sold his used Canon 1D X for $3000 in late December to a BAA friend before it was even listed!
  • Larry Master sold his Canon EOS-1D Mark IV in excellent condition for $1399 in mid-December 2015.
  • Melissa Hahn sold her Canon 400mm f/2.8L IS II lens in mint condition now for $8299 in early December, 2015.
  • Monte Brown sold his 300mm f/2.8L II lens in near-mint condition for $4499 two days after it was listed in mid-December, 2015.
  • Stephen Zarate sold his used Canon 100-400mm L IS zoom lens very quickly in early December for $650, the original asking price.
  • Kenton Rowe sold his Canon 200-400mm f/4L IS lens with Internal 1.4X Extender in early December for $9799.
  • Brent Bridges sold his Canon 600 II for the full asking price, $9799,in early December 2015.

New Listings

Canon 100–400mm f/4.5–5.6L IS Zoom Lens

Doug Bolt is offering a used Canon 100–400mm f/4.5–5.6L IS zoom lens (the old 1-4) in excellent condition for the record-low BAA price of $629. The sale includes front and rear lens caps, the ET-83C hood, the tripod ring, the tough fabric LZ1324 lens carrying case, and insured ground shipping via major courier. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made.

Please contact Doug via e-mail or by phone at 301-937-3112 (Eastern time).

The old 100-400 was and is superb. I made hundreds of sale-able images with mine including the one used on the front cover of Scott Weidensaul’s “Return to Wild America”. Contrary to reports by the internet idiots the lens is–in competent hands–sharp at all focal lengths. It is extremely versatile and would make a great starter lens for those interested in bird, wildlife, and general nature photography. artie

Canon 400mm f/5.6L Lens

Douglas Bolt is also offering a used Canon 400mm f/5.6L lens in excellent condition for $699. The sale includes all the original stuff, a LensCoat, and insured ground shipping via major courier. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made.

Please contact Doug via e-mail or by phone at 301-937-3112 (Eastern time).

I put my beloved Toy Lens” on the map before the turn of the millennium when I began using it with film and the Canon A2 camera body to photograph birds in flight. Today it remains a great flight lens and in addition, makes a great bird photography starter lens. I couples quite well with the 7D Mark II and will autofocus with a 1.4X TC with that camera and most of the newer Canon bodies as well. artie

Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD Zoom Lens for Canon

Douglas Bolt is also offering a used Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD Zoom lens for Canon in like-new condition for $699. The lens sells new at B&H for $1069. The sale includes all the original stuff and insured ground shipping via major courier. Your item will not ship until your check clears unless other arrangements are made.

Please contact Doug via e-mail or by phone at 301-937-3112 (Eastern time).


All images on the card were created on the 2015 Cheesemans’ South Georgia Expedition. From top left clockwise to center: King Penguin resting on Snow, Fortuna Bay; Macaroni Penguin in snow, Cooper Island; Grey-headed Albatross, Elsehul; King Penguin neck abstract, Godthul; Northern Giant Petrel, Undine Harbor; adult Wandering Albatross, Prion Island; Elephant Seal, Undine Harbor; South Georgia Pipit fledgling/thanks Joe Kaplan! Fortuna Bay; high key King Penguins in snow, Fortuna Bay.

Card design and all images copyright 2015: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

The Cheesemans’ 2016 OCT/NOV South Georgia/Falklands Expedition

If reading last Saturday’s blog post here put a thought in your mind about joining the BIRDS AS ART group on the Cheesemans’ 2016 OCT/NOV South Georgia/Falklands Expedition, please shoot me an e-mail with the words “Cheesemans’ Last Southern Ocean Expedition” cut and pasted into the Subject Line with any questions or if you wish to receive additional inspiration. This will surely be my last ship-based trip to the Southern Ocean as well.


All of the images on this card were created in the Falklands on the 2014 Cheesemans’ Southern Oceans Expedition. From top left clockwise to center: Black-browed Albatross tending chick, Steeple Jason Island; Black-browed Albatross courting pair, New Island; the Black-browed Albatross colony at Steeple Jason Island; Black-browed Albatross landing, New Island; King Cormorant head portrait, New Island; hull detail/derelict minesweeper, New Island; Rockhopper Penguin head portrait in bright sun, New Island; Striated Caracara, Steeple Jason Island; Magellanic Snipe chick, Sea Lion Island.

An Expedition Overview

Experience the vibrant spring of South Georgia, a true Antarctic wildlife paradise. Observe and photograph wildlife behaviors seldom seen beneath the towering, snow-blanketed mountains that dominate the island’s landscape. Southern Elephant Seal bulls fight for breeding rights while females nurse young, overlook vast colonies of loafing King Penguins, watch Macaroni Penguins cavort in the snow, photograph handsome Gray-headed Albatrosses in flight or attending to their cliffside nests and awkward Wandering Albatrosses attempting first flight. The itinerary includes six landing days on South Georgia and three landing days in the Falklands to observe too cute Rockhopper Penguins, Magellanic Penguins standing watch at their nesting burrows, and more Black-browed Albatrosses than you could ever imagine. To commemorate Shackleton’s famous self-rescue crossing South Georgia, CES also offers an optional trek retracing his steps. With Cheesemans’ twenty years of experience in the Antarctic region, they commit to an in-depth exploration of one of the densest wildlife spectacles found anywhere in the world, and with only 100 passengers, they routinely give you the opportunity to completely immerse yourself on each landing.

Two of the scheduled Falklands’ landings, New Island and especially Steeple Jason Island, rival the best locations on South Georgia. Those will likely include Salisbury Plain, St. Andrews Bay, Elsehul, Fortuna Bay, and either Cooper Island or Hercules Bay (for Macaroni Penguins).

Why Sign Up Through BIRDS AS ART?

If you have been thinking and dreaming of finally visiting South Georgia, this is the trip for you. There will likely never be another trip like this as the best outfit in the Southern Oceans business will not be returning after 2016…. Quit dreaming and act now. Though I will not be an expedition staff member on this trip, those who have traveled with me know that I cannot help but teach. And I will be doing a introductory photography program for the entire ship on our crossing to South Georgia. All who sign up via BAA will receive a free copy the new Southern Ocean Photography Guide (a $100 value) that I am currently working on. It will include pre-trip gear and clothing recommendations and a ton of info that you will find to be invaluable.

I will hold informal pre-landing briefings aboard ship so that when you land you know exactly what to expect and where to go. I will be available on the ship to review your images, answer your questions, and conduct informal over-the shoulder Photoshop sessions. And best of all, everyone who signs up under the auspices of BAA are invited to tag along with me on the landings where I will be glad to offer invaluable in-the-field advice. And the same goes for the shipboard birds in flight and marine mammal photographic sessions.

Again, if you would like to join me on what will truly be a once in a lifetime opportunity to a wondrous place, please shoot me an e-mail with the words “Cheesemans’ Last Southern Ocean Expedition” cut and pasted into the Subject Line.

You can learn more about the trip here. If you sign up on your own be sure to mention that you would like to be part of the BAA Group. I’d be glad to answer any and all question via e-mail or by phone at 863-692-0906.

Important Notes

#1: If you fail to e-mail me as noted directly above, and register directly with CES you MUST let them know that you would like to be part of the BIRDS AS ART group.

#2: Joining the BIRDS AS ART group as above will not cost you one penny.

For additional details on the trip and the ship, see Saturday’s blog post here.

Please Remember to use our Affiliate Links 🙂

To show your appreciation for my continuing efforts here, we ask, as always, that you get in the habit of using my B&H affiliate links on the right side of the blog for all of your photo and electronics purchases. Please check the availability of all photographic accessories in the BIRDS AS ART Online Store, especially the Mongoose M3.6 tripod heads, Gitzo tripods, Wimberley heads and plates, LensCoats and accessories, and the like. We sell only what I have used, have tested, and can depend on. We will not sell you junk. We know what you need to make creating great images easy and fun. And we are always glad to answer your gear questions via e-mail. I just learned that my account was suspended during my absence; it should be up and running by Monday at the latest.

I would of course appreciate your using our B&H affiliate links for all of your major gear, video, and electronic purchases. For the photographic stuff mentioned in the paragraph above we, meaning BAA, would of course greatly appreciate your business. Here is a huge thank you to the many who have been using our links on a regular basis and visiting the BAA Online store as well.


Be sure to like and follow BAA on Facebook by clicking on the logo link upper right. Tanks a stack!


In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right 🙂

December 31st, 2015

e-book News, Leucistic Crane, & 400 DO II/1.4X III/7D II Hand Holdability

What’s Up?

e-book News

The companion e-book for the exhibit at The Nat in San Diego is in the final stages of editing and I worked like a rented mule all day yesterday. Thanks to older daughter Jennifer, my right-hand man Jim Litzenburg, Alan Lillich, and especially to “Bug” Bob Allen for their amazing help with this project. I need to have the finished CD along with the cover art ready for the courier by Saturday morning.

Special Pre-Publication Offer/Today Only!

birds as art: The Avian Photography of Arthur Morris/The Top 100 will sell for $20. Those who would like to purchase the CD today and receive an advance review copy via e-mail, can call Jim this morning to place a phone order, today only, Thursday, December 31, 2015, after 9am and before 3pm, eastern time. Those who have a chance to review their copy can shoot me an e-mail noting any errors later today or on Friday (if they like).


This image was created on the first 2015 Bosque IPT with the hand held Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM lens, the Canon Extender EF 1.4X III, and the amazing Canon EOS 7D Mark II. ISO 400: 1/2000 sec. at f/7.1. AWB.

Center AF point (Manual selection)/AI Servo/Shutter Button AF as framed was active at the moment of exposure (as is always best when hand holding). The selected AF point was on the body just behind the base of the neck and below the raised near wing, nicely on the same plane as the bird’s eye. Click on the image to see a larger version.

Leucistic Sandhill Crane in flight#5:


Leucism (looːkɪzəm or looːsɪzəm) is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, or scales, but not the eyes. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in multiple types of pigment, not just melanin. Learn more here.

This leucistic Sandhill Crane was photographed at Bosque at both the crane pools and the farm fields on the first IPT in mid-November of this year. It was still present in mid- to late-December (Patrick Sparkman, personal comment). It was a really cool bird; I just love the pink pads on the bottoms of the usually all-black feet.

400 DO II/1.4X III/7D II Hand Holdability

Having shipped the 600mm II and the 200-400mm with the Internal Extender, I stuck my 400mm DO II in my Think Tank rolling bag almost as an afterthought. Boy, was I glad that I did.

I used the 400 DO II often for flight with the 1.4X III TC and the 7D II as here, and with the 1D X and the 2X III TC as here. Though some folks disagree, hand holding either the 300mm II or the 400mm DO II for flight with a teleconverter is a lot easier than shooting flight off a tripod with either the 500mm II or the 600mm II. As I was walking along the crane pool that morning with the big lens and the tripod in the car I felt a huge sense of freedom. And getting and keeping the birds in the frame is so, so, so much easier when hand holding than when using a tripod.


The Best of Bosque 2015

The Facts

Next season, I am offering a 4 1/2-DAY Bosque IPT in mid-January. And yes, there are lots of less costly workshops being offered these days. Many of them are downright cheap. There are strict requirements for becoming a workshop leader these days: you must own a camera…. Please remember that you get exactly what you pay for. With me you will have an instructor with more days of teaching and more in-the-field photography experience at Bosque than anyone living or dead: 21 seasons worth. And two BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year-honored images from Bosque. If you want the finest in photographic instruction and want to be assured of being in the right spot at exactly the right time every day, do join me.

Bosque del Apache 2017 BIRDS AS ART/Instructional Photo-Tour. January 13 (afternoon session) through January 17, 2017. 4 1/2 DAYS: $1899. Limit 12/Openings 10.

One half day followed by four full days. Includes four lunches, a comprehensive introductory program on the evening of January 13, and unequaled in-classroom and in-the-field instruction. Breakfasts are on-the-run/grab what you can or motel lobby or get-up-early-and-get to McDonalds (right next door). Four early morning sessions. Five afternoon sessions. The last afternoon will be spent at the Albuquerque Zoo photographing Wood Ducks. This will allow folks to stay in ABQ that evening and grab an early morning flight home (if that works for them).

Photograph tens of thousands of Snow Geese, 10,000 Sandhill Cranes, ducks, amazing sunrises, sunsets, and blast-offs. Live, eat, and breathe photography with the world’s premier photographic educator at one of his very favorite photography locations on the planet. Top-notch in-the-field and Photoshop instruction. This will make 21 consecutive seasons at Bosque for me. Nobody knows the place better than I do. Nobody understands the wind and the light better than I do. Join me to learn to think like a pro, to see like a pro, to recognize situations, and to anticipate them based on the weather, especially the sky conditions, the light, and the wind direction. Every time I make a move I will let you know why. When you head home being able to apply what you’ve learned on your home turf will prove to be invaluable.

This workshop includes 4 pre-dawn morning and 5 afternoon photography sessions, an inspirational, introductory slide program after dinner on your own on Friday, 1/13/17, four lunches, and after-lunch digital workflow, Photoshop, and image critiquing sessions.

There is never a set itinerary on a Bosque IPT; each day is tailored to the local conditions and to the weather. I need to be totally flexible in order to maximize both the photographic and learning opportunities. We will be up early each day leaving the hotel by 5:30 am to be in position for sunrise. We usually photograph until about 10:30am. Then it’s back to Socorro for lunch and followed at some point by a classroom session with the group. There is almost always room for a short nap in there somewhere. We head back to the refuge each afternoon and photograph until sunset. We will be photographing lots of Snow Geese and lots of Sandhill Cranes with the emphasis on expanding both your technical skills and your creativity. As always, we will make time to do some non-avian creative stuff.

How Do I Sign Up?

A $599 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your slot for this IPT. Your balance, payable only by check, will be due on 9/13/2016. If you cancel and the trip fills, I will be glad to apply a credit applicable to a future IPT for the full amount less a $100 processing fee. If we do not receive your check for the balance on or before the due date we will try to fill your spot from the waiting list. Whether or not your spot is filled, you will lose your deposit. If not, you can secure your spot by paying your balance.

Please print, complete, and sign the form that is linked to here and shoot it to us along with your deposit check (made out to “Arthur Morris.”) You can also leave your deposit with a credit card by calling the office at 863-692-0906. If you register by phone, please print, complete and sign the form as noted above and either mail it to us or e-mail the scan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail.

Small Group Pre-IPT In-the-Field Instruction (I-T-F): January 11 & 12, 2017: $375/morning session. Limit six.

Though I am not sure exactly when, I will be flying to New Mexico early to scout. What can I say? I love the place. Right now I am offering two I-T-F morning photography sessions as above. The sessions will run from 6:00-10:00am and will include an informal image review session at lunch. Lunch is on me. Right now registration is open only to folks registering for the IPT. This will allow participants to maximize their travel dollars and get a head start on learning. Sign up for one or for both.


Be sure to like and follow BAA on Facebook by clicking on the logo link upper right. Tanks a stack!


In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right 🙂

December 30th, 2015

These Reservations Made Three Years Ago. Bearly


Images and card copyright Arthur Morris/BEARS AS ART 🙂

The Really Big News

We have been in contact with an overseas operator who wishes to fill all sixteen slots for the two bear boat cub IPTs below right now!. But both co-leader Denise Ippolito and I wish to give our regular clients first crack at these two great trips; we are presently negotiating as to a cut-off date. As below, we have had these reservations for nearly three years; they are the prime dates for chances at photographing small spring Coastal Brown Bear cubs (coastal grizzlies). Please let us know if you be sending your deposit or e-mail if you have any questions. I will be e-mailing those who have previously expressed interest in these two trips.

2017 Bear Boat Coastal Brown Bear Cubs IPTs: July 12-18 and July 18-24, 2017 from Kodiak, AK/each IPT is 5 FULL & 2 Half DAYS: $6699. Happy campers only! Maximum 8 plus the two great leaders: Denise Ippolito and Arthur Morris.

Double your opportunities and maximize your travel dollars by signing up for both trips and we will be glad to apply a $500 discount to your balance.

Join us in spectacular Katmai National Park, AK for six (or twelve!) days of photographing Coastal Brown Bears. Mid-July is prime time for making images of small, football-sized cubs. The cubs, and these dates, are so popular that we had to reserve them three years in advance to secure them. There are lots of bears each year in June, but the mothers only rarely risk bringing their tiny cubs out in the open for fear of predation by rival bears. In addition to making portraits of both adults and cubs, we hope to photograph frolicking and squabbling youngsters and tender nursing scenes. At this time of year the bears are either grazing in luxuriant grass or clamming. There will also be some two- and three-year old cubs to add to the fun. And we will get to photograph it all.

We live on our tour operator’s luxurious new boat. At 78 feet long its 24 foot beam makes it quite spacious as well. And the food is great. We will likely spend most of our time at famed Geographic Harbor as that is where the bears are generally concentrated in summer. On the odd chance that we do need to relocate to another location we can do so quickly and easily without having to venture into any potentially rough seas. We land via a 25 foot skiff that has lots of room for as much gear as you can carry.

Aside from the bears we will get to photograph Horned and Tufted Puffin and should get nice stuff on Mew Gull, Glaucous-winged Gull, Black-legged Kittiwake, Harbor Seal, and Steller’s Sea Lion as well. A variety of tundra-nesting shorebirds including Western Sandpiper and both yellowlegs are also possible. Halibut fishing (license required/not included) is optional.

For folks on the first trip, July 12-18, 2017, it is mandatory that they be in Kodiak no later than the late afternoon of July 11 to avoid missing the float planes to our boat on the morning of July 12. With air travel in Alaska being what it is–with the chance of fog or other bad weather–being on Kodiak on July 10 is a much better plan. That said in my dozen bear boat trips I was delayed only once and that was for only part of a day, but since I was a day early there was no harm, no foul.

For folks on the second trip–July 18, 24, 2017–it is mandatory that they be in Kodiak no later than the late afternoon of July 17 to avoid missing the float planes to our boat on the morning of July 18. Again, with air travel in Alaska subject to possible delays, being on Kodiak on July 16 is a much better plan.

On both trips we should get to photograph bears on our first afternoon and then again every day for the next five days after that, all weather permitting of course. On our last mornings on the boat, July 18 and July 24 respectively, those who would like to enjoy one last photo session will have the opportunity to do so. The group will return to Kodiak via float plane from late morning through midday. Most folks will then fly to Anchorage and to continue on red-eye flights to their home cities.

What’s included? 7 DAYS/6 NIGHTS on the boat as above. All meals on the boat. National Park and guide fees. In-the-field photo tips, instruction, and guidance. An insight into the mind of two top professionals; we will constantly let you know what we are thinking, what we are doing, and why we are doing it. Small group image review, image sharing, and informal Photoshop instruction on the boat.

What’s not included: Your round trip airfare to and from Kodiak, AK (almost surely through Anchorage). Your lodging and meals on Kodiak. The cost of the round-trip float plane to the boat and then back to Kodiak as above. The cost of a round trip last year was $550. The suggested crew tip of $200.

Have you ever walked with the bears?

Is this an expensive trip? Yes, of course. But with 5 full and two half days, a wealth of great subjects, and the fact that you will be walking with the bears just yards away (or less….), it will be one of the great natural history experiences of your life. Most folks who take part in a Bear Boat IPT wind up coming back for more.

A $2,000 per person non-refundable deposit by check only made out to “BIRDS AS ART” is required to hold your spot. Please click here to read our cancellation policies. Then please print, read, and sign the necessary paperwork here and send it to us by mail to PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855.

Your deposit is due when you sign up. That leaves a balance of $4699. The next payment of $2699 will be due on September 15, 2016. The final payment of $2000 is due on February 15, 2017. We hope that you can join us for what will be a wondrously exciting trip.


Be sure to like and follow BAA on Facebook by clicking on the logo link upper right. Tanks a stack!


In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right 🙂