Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
December 27th, 2015

Next Season's BIRDS AS ART Bosque del Apache IPT

Please note: This IPT has been cancelled due to extremely poor conditions at the refuge in January 2016. artie


The Best of Bosque 2015

The Facts

Next season, I am offering a 4 1/2-DAY Bosque IPT in mid-January. And yes, there are lots of less costly workshops being offered these days. Many of them are downright cheap. There are strict requirements for becoming a workshop leader these days: you must own a camera…. Please remember that you get exactly what you pay for. With me you will have an instructor with more days of teaching and more in-the-field photography experience at Bosque than anyone living or dead: 21 seasons worth. And two BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year-honored images from Bosque. If you want the finest in photographic instruction and want to be assured of being in the right spot at exactly the right time every day, do join me.

Bosque del Apache 2017 BIRDS AS ART/Instructional Photo-Tour. January 13 (afternoon session) through January 17, 2017. 4 1/2 DAYS: $1899. Limit 12/Openings 10.

One half day followed by four full days. Includes four lunches, a comprehensive introductory program on the evening of January 13, and unequaled in-classroom and in-the-field instruction. Breakfasts are on-the-run/grab what you can or motel lobby or get-up-early-and-get to McDonalds (right next door). Four early morning sessions. Five afternoon sessions. The last afternoon will be spent at the Albuquerque Zoo photographing Wood Ducks. This will allow folks to stay in ABQ that evening and grab an early morning flight home (if that works for them).

Photograph tens of thousands of Snow Geese, 10,000 Sandhill Cranes, ducks, amazing sunrises, sunsets, and blast-offs. Live, eat, and breathe photography with the world’s premier photographic educator at one of his very favorite photography locations on the planet. Top-notch in-the-field and Photoshop instruction. This will make 21 consecutive seasons at Bosque for me. Nobody knows the place better than I do. Nobody understands the wind and the light better than I do. Join me to learn to think like a pro, to see like a pro, to recognize situations, and to anticipate them based on the weather, especially the sky conditions, the light, and the wind direction. Every time I make a move I will let you know why. When you head home being able to apply what you’ve learned on your home turf will prove to be invaluable.

This workshop includes 4 pre-dawn morning and 5 afternoon photography sessions, an inspirational, introductory slide program after dinner on your own on Friday, 1/13/17, four lunches, and after-lunch digital workflow, Photoshop, and image critiquing sessions.

There is never a set itinerary on a Bosque IPT; each day is tailored to the local conditions and to the weather. I need to be totally flexible in order to maximize both the photographic and learning opportunities. We will be up early each day leaving the hotel by 5:30 am to be in position for sunrise. We usually photograph until about 10:30am. Then it’s back to Socorro for lunch and followed at some point by a classroom session with the group. There is almost always room for a short nap in there somewhere. We head back to the refuge each afternoon and photograph until sunset. We will be photographing lots of Snow Geese and lots of Sandhill Cranes with the emphasis on expanding both your technical skills and your creativity. As always, we will make time to do some non-avian creative stuff.


Join me in January 2015 to learn to read Bosque’s amazing light and use it to create dramatic images.

How Do I Sign Up?

A $599 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your slot for this IPT. Your balance, payable only by check, will be due on 9/13/2016. If you cancel and the trip fills, I will be glad to apply a credit applicable to a future IPT for the full amount less a $100 processing fee. If we do not receive your check for the balance on or before the due date we will try to fill your spot from the waiting list. Whether or not your spot is filled, you will lose your deposit. If not, you can secure your spot by paying your balance.

Please print, complete, and sign the form that is linked to here and shoot it to us along with your deposit check (made out to “Arthur Morris.”) You can also leave your deposit with a credit card by calling the office at 863-692-0906. If you register by phone, please print, complete and sign the form as noted above and either mail it to us or e-mail the scan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail.


There are two BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition-honored images along with a National Wildlife Contest winner on this card…. Join me in January 2017 to learn to create contest-quality images.

Small Group Pre-IPT In-the-Field Instruction (I-T-F): January 11 & 12, 2017: $375/morning session. Limit six.

Though I am not sure exactly when, I will be flying to New Mexico early to scout. What can I say? I love the place. Right now I am offering two I-T-F morning photography sessions as above. The sessions will run from 6:00-10:00am and will include an informal image review session at lunch. Lunch is on me. Right now registration is open only to folks registering for the IPT. This will allow participants to maximize their travel dollars and get a head start on learning. Sign up for one or for both.


Be sure to like and follow BAA on Facebook by clicking on the logo link upper right. Tanks a stack!


In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right 🙂

December 26th, 2015

A Nice Holiday Gift from Jim Keener

What’s Up?

I spent most of Thursday writing the new Southern Oceans Guide that I started working on about three weeks ago. I hope to have it finished in two weeks.

I watched lots of NBA basketball. The Golden State Warriors continue to make history every day. The record now stands at 28 wins, 1 loss, the best-ever NBA start.

A Nice Holiday Gift from Jim Keener

As the BAA Online Store was down from Thursday evening through most of the day on Friday, I had put a note in yesterday’s blog stating that folks were welcome to call in their orders. (The store was back up on Friday afternoon.)

The phone rang at 1:39pm and I picked up to a pleasant voice. It was a Jim Keener calling from Albuquerque to order Digital Basics and both APTATS I and APTATS II. We chatted for a while and he told me that he had moved to Albuquerque to be close to Bosque. I was quite impressed. After I finished taking his order Jim said, “I need to thank you for changing my life, for inspiring me with your images and your teaching.”

After we hung up I e-mailed Jim and asked him to expand on what he had told me on the phone. He wrote:

I bought a lot of gear in August 2013 when I was 70 and was looking for things to photograph. I was at a friend’s home in Rancho Mirage, CA and must have been underfoot,because she handed me her Canon 400mm f/5.6 lens and told me to go outside and play. I saw a Great Egret across a pond, focused on it, and waited for it to fly. Finally it took to the air. In that instant I was hooked on bird photography. I scoured the internet for information on bird photography and found your B&H video describing the lenses you use for photographing birds and nature. After a bit more searching I found the BIRDS AS ART website, your blog, and BirdPhotographers.Net. I was amazed at the quality of guidance and the courtesy on the BPN forums–I hang out in Eager to Learn (ETL) right now, and I was amazed at the expertise that you share every day on your blog.

How nice is that?

Out of curiosity I clicked on Jim’s website and checked out his Bosque gallery. I thought that I recognized one image and then 100% for sure recognized another, a Sandhill Crane image of Jim’s that I had recently commented on in the ETL Forum. You can find that thread here. There were lots of reposts including two by me but the image was still not looking very good so I asked Jim if he would kindly send me the RAW file. He did.


This JPEG accurately represents the RAW file that Jim sent to me via a Dropbox.

My Final BPN Comment

Again, you can find the whole thread here.

Thanks for sending me the RAW file Jim. I converted it in DPP 4 and used my standard Photoshop workflow most especially including Filter/Blur/Surface Blur on the background only, some Eye Doctor work, and my NIK Color EFX Pro 50/50 recipe at 35%. Total time: about 4 minutes….

Your RAW file was about a full stop underexposed; this is not what you want to go with a 7D III ISO 1600 file . And your crop was way too tight…..

Non-the-less there was a pretty good image in your RAW file.



This is the image that I created from his under-exposed RAW file after converting it in DPP 4. Notice that the background is pretty darned smooth.

Digital Basics

Everything that I did to optimize Jim’s image is covered in detail in my Digital Basics File–written in my easy-to-follow, easy-to-understand style. Are you tired of making your images look worse in Photoshop? Digital Basics File is an instructional PDF that is sent via e-mail. It includes my complete digital workflow, dozens of great Photoshop tips, details on using all of my image clean-up tools, the use of Contrast Masks, several different ways of expanding and filling in canvas, all of my time-saving Keyboard Shortcuts, Quick Masking, Layer Masking, and NIK Color Efex Pro basics, Contrast Masks, Digital Eye Doctor techniques, using Gaussian Blurs, Dodge and Burn, a variety of ways to make selections, how to create time-saving actions, the Surface Blur settings that I use to smooth background noise, and tons more.


Learn the details of advanced Quick Masking techniques in APTATS I. Learn Advanced Layer Masking Techniques in APTATS I. Mention this blog post and apply a $5 discount to either with phone orders only. Buy both APTATS I and APTATS II and we will be glad to apply at $15 discount with phone orders. Please call Jim or Jennifer weekdays at 863-221-2372 to take advantage of this special offer. You can find the same deal in the BAA Online Store here.


You can order your copy of “The Photographers’ Guide to Canon Digital Photo Professional 4.0” (aka the DPP 4 Raw Conversion eGuide) by Arash Hazeghi and Arthur Morris by clicking here.

The DPP 4 eGuide (PDF)

The RAW file for today’s image was of course converted in DPP 4. Learn how and why I and many other discerning photographers choose and use only DPP 4 to convert their Canon RAW files in the DPP 4 RAW Conversion Guide by Arash Hazeghi and yours truly. The latest version supports all of the newer Canon camera bodies and several older models including the EOS-7D and the EOS-1D Mark IV. The DPP IV Guide is the ideal companion to the 7D Mark II User’s Guide, a runaway best seller.

The DPP 4 eGuide (PDF) Updated for 1D Mark IV and the original 7D

The DPP 4 eGuide was recently updated to include the luminance and chrominance noise reduction values for both the 1D Mark IV and the original 7D. If you purchased your copy from BAA please e-mail Jim and request the DPP 4 1d IV/7D update. Please be sure to cut and paste page 1 into your e-mail as proof of purchase.

DPP 4 Kudos

From Richard Gollard via e-mail:

I have been doing tons of studying the books and PDFs that I have purchased from BIRDS AS ART. And I have to say that after reading the DPP 4 conversion guide that you did with Arash Hazeghi I tried DPP 4 and was blown away with the difference from the conversions that I made with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Thanks for the consistently great information.

Please Remember to use our Affiliate Links 🙂

To show your appreciation for my continuing efforts here, we ask, as always, that you get in the habit of using my B&H affiliate links on the right side of the blog for all of your photo and electronics purchases. Please check the availability of all photographic accessories in the BIRDS AS ART Online Store, especially the Mongoose M3.6 tripod heads, Gitzo tripods, Wimberley heads and plates, LensCoats and accessories, and the like. We sell only what I have used, have tested, and can depend on. We will not sell you junk. We know what you need to make creating great images easy and fun. And we are always glad to answer your gear questions via e-mail. I just learned that my account was suspended during my absence; it should be up and running by Monday at the latest.

I would of course appreciate your using our B&H affiliate links for all of your major gear, video, and electronic purchases. For the photographic stuff mentioned in the paragraph above we, meaning BAA, would of course greatly appreciate your business. Here is a huge thank you to the many who have been using our links on a regular basis and visiting the BAA Online store as well.


Be sure to like and follow BAA on Facebook by clicking on the logo link upper right. Tanks a stack!


In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right 🙂

December 25th, 2015


What’s Up?

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope that Santa has left some great photo gear for you under the tree. I was thrilled to learn recently that this year Santa began using our BH affiliate links for all lenses and camera bodies. And he does buy his accessories from the BAA Online Store.

I learned from Ted Cheeseman on Wednesday that OCT/NOV 2016 South Georgia/Falklands expedition is filling nicely: if you have been thinking of making this trip and would like to become part of the BAA group, please scroll down and do not tarry.

Important Note

Please understand that if you are up in the air about selling any old gear that the price of your item is dropping every day….

Selling Your Used Gear Through BIRDS AS ART

Selling your used (or like-new) photo gear through the BAA Blog or via a BAA Online Bulletin is a great idea. We charge only a 5% commission. One of the more popular used gear for sale sites charges a minimum of 20%. Plus assorted fees! Yikes. The minimum item price here is $500 (or less for a $25 fee). If you are interested please e-mail with the words Items for Sale Info Request cut and pasted into the Subject line :). Stuff that is priced fairly–I offer free pricing advice, usually sells in no time flat. In the past few months, we have sold just about everything in sight. Do know that prices on some items like the EOS-1D Mark IV, the old Canon 500mm, the EOS-7D, and the original 400mm IS DO lens have been dropping steadily. You can see all current listings by clicking here or by clicking on the Used Photo Gear tab on the yellow-orange tab on the right side of the menu bar above.

Things have been heating up on the Used Gear page lately.

  • Troy Duong sold his Canon 500mm f/4L IS II lens for $7500.00 in late December 2015.
  • Walt Anderson sold a used Canon 1D X for $3000 in late December to a BAA friend before it was even listed!
  • Larry Master sold a Canon EOS-1D Mark IV in excellent condition for $1399 in mid-December 2015.
  • Melissa Hahn sold her Canon 400mm f/2.8L IS II lens in mint condition now for $8299 in early December, 2015.
  • Monte Brown sold his 300mm 2.8 II lens in near-mint condition for $4499 two days after it was listed in mid-December, 2015.
  • Stephen Zarate sold his used Canon 100-400mm L IS zoom lens very quickly in early December for $650, the original asking price.
  • Kenton Rowe sold his Canon 200-400mm f/4L IS lens with Internal 1.4X Extender in early December for $9799.
  • Brent Bridges sold his Canon 600 II for the full asking price, $9799,in early December 2015.
  • Mike Ederegger sold his AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm F/4 G ED VR II in excellent condition for $ 5199 right after it was listed.


This image was created at Grytviken, South Georgia with the hand held Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens (at 400mm) and the amazing Canon EOS 7D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1 stop: 1/1000 sec. at f/11 in Manual mode.

Center AF point (Manual selection)/AI Servo/Shutter Button AF as framed was active at the moment of exposure (as is almost always best when hand holding). The active AF point was on the side of the duck’s breast. Click on the image to see a larger version.

South Georgia Pintail

Grytviken, South Georgia

Grytviken is mandatory landing on all South Georgia trips as you need to go through South Georgia customs there. I always skip the champagne toast at the Shackelton grave as there are some nice wildlife opportunities. In addition there is access to a derelict whaling station, a lovely old church, and quite a few rotting ships along the shoreline.


With the successful completion of the Rat Eradication Project, there were lots more South Georgia Pintails about on the grass at
Grytviken. Better yet, there were many little areas filled with snow. If it had been a golf course, I would have said that the sand traps were full of snow.

For some reason, the ducks liked the snow; the trick to making a good image was to get a complete snow background. As the snow bunkers were small and the ducks like to stand along the edges, this was not easy to do. To come up with a complete snow background with today’s image required a decent crop and some APTATS II work on the lower right corner. See the next image for more on that.

Another Depth-of-Field Question

Why did I stop down to f/11 when I would usually be working at f/5.6 with this combination. Note: “To get more depth-of-field” is not the answer I am looking for. I want to know why it was necessary in this specific set or circumstances to get down to f/11.


The complete JPEG here represents the full frame original capture.

Creating the Pure Snow Background

The full frame capture above represents the full frame original image. The dotted line shows the approximate crop. I added the red square in Photoshop to show the position of the selected AF sensor. Note the extraneous grass in the lower right corner that ruined the pure snow background. I executed one of the flip and flop tutorials from APTATS II to cover the offending grass; this technique involves adding a Regular Layer Mask to refine the repair.

Digital Basics

Everything that I did to optimize today’s image–did you notice the bill clean-up?–is covered in detail in my Digital Basics File–written in my easy-to-follow, easy-to-understand style. Are you tired of making your images look worse in Photoshop? Digital Basics File is an instructional PDF that is sent via e-mail. It includes my complete digital workflow, dozens of great Photoshop tips, details on using all of my image clean-up tools, the use of Contrast Masks, several different ways of expanding and filling in canvas, all of my time-saving Keyboard Shortcuts, Quick Masking, Layer Masking, and NIK Color Efex Pro basics, Contrast Masks, Digital Eye Doctor techniques, using Gaussian Blurs, Tim Grey Dodge and Burn, a variety of ways to make selections, how to create time-saving actions, the Surface Blur settings that I use to smooth background noise, and tons more.


Learn the details of advanced Quick Masking techniques in APTATS I. Learn Advanced Layer Masking Techniques in APTATS I. Mention this blog post and apply a $5 discount to either with phone orders only. Buy both APTATS I and APTATS II and we will be glad to apply at $15 discount with phone orders. Please call Jim or Jennifer weekdays at 863-221-2372 to take advantage of this special offer. You can find the same deal in the BAA Online Store here.


You can order your copy of “The Photographers’ Guide to Canon Digital Photo Professional 4.0” (aka the DPP 4 Raw Conversion eGuide) by Arash Hazeghi and Arthur Morris by clicking here.

The DPP 4 eGuide (PDF)

The RAW file for today’s image was of course converted in DPP 4. Learn how and why I and many other discerning photographers choose and use only DPP 4 to convert their Canon RAW files in the DPP 4 RAW Conversion Guide by Arash Hazeghi and yours truly. The latest version supports all of the newer Canon camera bodies and several older models including the EOS-7D and the EOS-1D Mark IV. The DPP IV Guide is the ideal companion to the 7D Mark II User’s Guide, a runaway best seller.

The DPP 4 eGuide (PDF) Updated for 1D Mark IV and the original 7D

The DPP 4 eGuide was recently updated to include the luminance and chrominance noise reduction values for both the 1D Mark IV and the original 7D. If you purchased your copy from BAA please e-mail Jim and request the DPP 4 1d IV/7D update. Please be sure to cut and paste page 1 into your e-mail as proof of purchase.

DPP 4 Kudos

From Richard Gollard via e-mail:

I have been doing tons of studying the books and PDFs that I have purchased from BIRDS AS ART. And I have to say that after reading the DPP 4 conversion guide that you did with Arash Hazeghi I tried DPP 4 and was blown away with the difference from the conversions that I made with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Thanks for the consistently great information.


All images on the card were created on the 2015 Cheesemans’ South Georgia Expedition. From top left clockwise to center: King Penguin resting on Snow, Fortuna Bay; Macaroni Penguin in snow, Cooper Island; Grey-headed Albatross, Elsehul; King Penguin neck abstract, Godthul; Northern Giant Petrel, Undine Harbor; adult Wandering Albatross, Prion Island; Elephant Seal, Undine Harbor; South Georgia Pipit fledgling/thanks Joe Kaplan! Fortuna Bay; high key King Penguins in snow, Fortuna Bay.

Card design and all images copyright 2015: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

The Cheesemans’ 2016 OCT/NOV South Georgia/Falklands Expedition

If reading last Saturday’s blog post here put a thought in your mind about joining the BIRDS AS ART group on the Cheesemans’ 2016 OCT/NOV South Georgia/Falklands Expedition, please shoot me an e-mail with the words “Cheesemans’ Last Southern Ocean Expedition” cut and pasted into the Subject Line with any questions or if you wish to receive additional inspiration. This will surely be my last ship-based trip to the Southern Ocean as well.


All of the images on this card were created in the Falklands on the 2014 Cheesemans’ Southern Oceans Expedition. From top left clockwise to center: Black-browed Albatross tending chick, Steeple Jason Island; Black-browed Albatross courting pair, New Island; the Black-browed Albatross colony at Steeple Jason Island; Black-browed Albatross landing, New Island; King Cormorant head portrait, New Island; hull detail/derelict minesweeper, New Island; Rockhopper Penguin head portrait in bright sun, New Island; Striated Caracara, Steeple Jason Island; Magellanic Snipe chick, Sea Lion Island.

An Expedition Overview

Experience the vibrant spring of South Georgia, a true Antarctic wildlife paradise. Observe and photograph wildlife behaviors seldom seen beneath the towering, snow-blanketed mountains that dominate the island’s landscape. Southern Elephant Seal bulls fight for breeding rights while females nurse young, overlook vast colonies of loafing King Penguins, watch Macaroni Penguins cavort in the snow, photograph handsome Gray-headed Albatrosses in flight or attending to their cliffside nests and awkward Wandering Albatrosses attempting first flight. The itinerary includes six landing days on South Georgia and three landing days in the Falklands to observe too cute Rockhopper Penguins, Magellanic Penguins standing watch at their nesting burrows, and more Black-browed Albatrosses than you could ever imagine. To commemorate Shackleton’s famous self-rescue crossing South Georgia, CES also offers an optional trek retracing his steps. With Cheesemans’ twenty years of experience in the Antarctic region, they commit to an in-depth exploration of one of the densest wildlife spectacles found anywhere in the world, and with only 100 passengers, they routinely give you the opportunity to completely immerse yourself on each landing.

Two of the scheduled Falklands’ landings, New Island and especially Steeple Jason Island, rival the best locations on South Georgia. Those will likely include Salisbury Plain, St. Andrews Bay, Elsehul, Fortuna Bay, and either Cooper Island or Hercules Bay (for Macaroni Penguins).

Why Sign Up Through BIRDS AS ART?

If you have been thinking and dreaming of finally visiting South Georgia, this is the trip for you. There will likely never be another trip like this as the best outfit in the Southern Oceans business will not be returning after 2016…. Quit dreaming and act now. Though I will not be an expedition staff member on this trip, those who have traveled with me know that I cannot help but teach. And I will be doing a introductory photography program for the entire ship on our crossing to South Georgia. All who sign up via BAA will receive a free copy the new Southern Ocean Photography Guide (a $100 value) that I am currently working on. It will include pre-trip gear and clothing recommendations and a ton of info that you will find to be invaluable.

I will hold informal pre-landing briefings aboard ship so that when you land you know exactly what to expect and where to go. I will be available on the ship to review your images, answer your questions, and conduct informal over-the shoulder Photoshop sessions. And best of all, everyone who signs up under the auspices of BAA are invited to tag along with me on the landings where I will be glad to offer invaluable in-the-field advice. And the same goes for the shipboard birds in flight and marine mammal photographic sessions.

Again, if you would like to join me on what will truly be a once in a lifetime opportunity to a wondrous place, please shoot me an e-mail with the words “Cheesemans’ Last Southern Ocean Expedition” cut and pasted into the Subject Line.

You can learn more about the trip here. If you sign up on your own be sure to mention that you would like to be part of the BAA Group. I’d be glad to answer any and all question via e-mail or by phone at 863-692-0906.

Important Notes

#1: If you fail to e-mail me as noted directly above, and register directly with CES you MUST let them know that you would like to be part of the BIRDS AS ART group.

#2: Joining the BIRDS AS ART group as above will not cost you one penny.

For additional details on the trip and the ship, see Saturday’s blog post here.

Please Remember to use our Affiliate Links 🙂

To show your appreciation for my continuing efforts here, we ask, as always, that you get in the habit of using my B&H affiliate links on the right side of the blog for all of your photo and electronics purchases. Please check the availability of all photographic accessories in the BIRDS AS ART Online Store, especially the Mongoose M3.6 tripod heads, Gitzo tripods, Wimberley heads and plates, LensCoats and accessories, and the like. We sell only what I have used, have tested, and can depend on. We will not sell you junk. We know what you need to make creating great images easy and fun. And we are always glad to answer your gear questions via e-mail. I just learned that my account was suspended during my absence; it should be up and running by Monday at the latest.

I would of course appreciate your using our B&H affiliate links for all of your major gear, video, and electronic purchases. For the photographic stuff mentioned in the paragraph above we, meaning BAA, would of course greatly appreciate your business. Here is a huge thank you to the many who have been using our links on a regular basis and visiting the BAA Online store as well.


Be sure to like and follow BAA on Facebook by clicking on the logo link upper right. Tanks a stack!


In all blog posts and Bulletins, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors. Just be right 🙂